Why Bible Prophecy

It seems as though Bible prophecy has a bad name these days.  When believers in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture espouse this position, there are numerous “Christians” who ridicule the notion that Jesus will come back for His church in a timely manner.  Why is this such a strange and unpopular notion? If these scoffers were to…

Prophecy Update 1-22-19

Please Note: This blog entry is a recap of the prophecy update I did in my Facebook and Youtube video posts on this date.  You can watch this and many other teachings at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7dsJSzy9TJV2dq9exmCRhQ/videos?view_as=subscriber if you wish to get ahead of these written blog posts. The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God. …

Prophecy Revealed & Blessed

I mentioned in my initial blog post that prophecy comprises a significant portion of the Bible.  God’s servants, the prophets, wrote up to one-third of Bible text that involves future events described from a prophetic perspective.  Just from that alone, it should be evident that prophecy is important to God. However, God doesn’t stop there,…

Blog Introduction

The name of this blog is taken from Luke 21:28 where Jesus says: “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” I have no doubt this blog will be quite different from the majority of blogs that many might read.  I’m a pastor as…