Tribulation Rising: Seal Judgments – A Novella of the Coming Apocalypse

Tribulation Rising: Seal Judgments

A Novella of the Coming Apocalypse




Tribulation Rising came about through my responding to a writing challenge perhaps 6-7 years ago.  I completed my story about the 3rd Seal, and about that time the people sponsoring the challenge went dark.  The story then sat in my computer untouched.

Amazon’s KDP platform for self-publishing added a serialized format in 2021, and I decided to expand what I had written by adding six other loosely connected stories taking place during the Seal Judgments of the 7-year Tribulation as recounted in the book of Revelation.  I subsequently placed these stories on the Amazon Kindle Vella site.

Because I hadn’t written any fiction over the last year or so, concentrating instead on video Prophecy Updates and shorter Commentaries that I made available in an audio version, I recently got to thinking about this story and the format I used.  It was interesting to me because of the interlocking nature of the Tribulation Judgments and how people left behind during that period might deal with them – both those who hate the Lord, and those who come to a saving relationship with Him during this most horrific of times ever to come upon the earth.

To that end I put the stories together into this novella and made it available in Kindle ebook and print formats.  The overriding “characters” are the Tribulation itself and the Judgments from God.  The people populating the story come and go, live and die, as the seven years progress.  Hopefully what comes across is the despair of those who don’t know God and the hope of those who do in these dystopian times.

It’s a short book – hence it being a novella.  It’s only 130 pages long.  Each of the seven story vignettes takes about 10 minutes to read.

Having published this, I decided that it made sense to see what I could do about tackling the other Judgment Plagues that God will soon rain upon this planet in the form of the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments.  As of the writing of this post, I’m working on Trumpet #5.  My hope is that I can diligently complete these stories and publish them all before Jesus comes in the air to whisk His true church away in the pre-Tribulation Rapture.  Gosh, I hope He’s not waiting for me to finish.  I’d hate to be the reason He’s delaying our glorious Blessed Hope!  (Just kidding.)

3 Responses to “Tribulation Rising: Seal Judgments – A Novella of the Coming Apocalypse”

  1. Reply RobinL

    Thanks Gary and congratulations. I just downloaded it and will start today.

    Ain’t no book so good that the Lord would delay His appointed time to come get us ;). But I admire your aspirations, LOL, everyone needs a goal.

  2. Reply Gwen

    Have you heard of CJ Lovik at RockHarborBooks yt channel? His latest update, posted yesterday, is interesting.

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