Posts Tagged: satan

Biblical Audio Commentary – Solar Blight

This is a rhetorical question: Why would anyone invest heavily in a solar farm in a northern Midwestern state where an entire month can pass in the winter with no – zero, zip, nada – days of sunshine? If your response is that it’s silly for someone to do that, and of course, they wouldn’t, then you haven’t been paying attention.

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update: 4-5-23 – Good Counsel, Bad Counsel

It makes a difference who we listen to.  This is true whether one is a king or a peasant, someone living in ancient times or an individual today.  If people give us suggestions, what kind of discernment do we have to understand whether what is said is actually good counsel or bad counsel?

Biblical Audio Commentary – The Heart of Faith

At the heart of faith and trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior is fear and reverence in Almighty God, or the lack of it. To have true believing loyalty, one must approach God with the understanding stated in Luke 12:5.