Posts Tagged: Laodicea

Jeremiah 29:11 – For I Know the Plans

In the days of Jeremiah, God brought the nation of Babylon against Judah, just as He had done with Israel at the hand of the Assyrians.  There were two groups of people at this time.

Joshua 24:15 – Choosing Poorly

Both Moses and Joshua – righteous leaders of Israel – knew the dangers that would come upon God’s children if they reverted to their old ways of following other gods.  They warned the people with Yahweh’s very Words numerous times, yet they were quite aware how deceitful the hearts of men were and their inclination…


There are two kinds of doors mentioned in the Bible.  One is bad, the other is good.  We need to know which door to enter in order for us to live life as God wills for us. Proverbs 5:8 continues the thoughts of Solomon as he instructs his son.  He gives much advice to avoid…