Posts Tagged: jesus

Prophecy Update: Convergence Increasing

The hot word among those who watch the signs of the times is convergence.  It’s a good word.  The definition basically means the movement toward a point of conclusion.  In the case of Bible prophecy, it’s where all the disparate strands of God’s end times fragments come together for His final judgment upon the earth. …

Marijuana Legalization’s Demonic Advocates

In a recent article I wrote titled “Marijuana, Salt & Light” I chronicled my experience attending a local city council meeting in which the subject of approving marijuana sale and grow facilities in our community was front and center.  The majority of the council members were all for approval of these businesses, seeing nothing wrong…

How We Limit God! — Part 2

Our typical Christian thinking tends to cause erroneous ideas regarding many aspects of the Bible.  One example of this that has popped into view for me recently is with the New Heavens and New Earth that we see in Revelation 21-22. What has been the way we’ve inevitably thought about “heaven?”  When we die we…

How We Limit God! — Part 1

One of the things I enjoy doing is taking what I’ve learned from my reading and my listening to various teachings and bringing it to others.  This is how knowledge and information are passed on.  In the Christian sphere, it’s how we disciple others even as we have been discipled in one manner or another….

Replacement Theology in the Deuteronomy 32 Worldview

When we approach the Bible with what is known as the Deuteronomy 32 worldview, we understand why Replacement Theology is so prevalent today.  Replacement Theology takes the Biblically false view that Israel no longer has a place in God’s plans and purposes because 1) Israel blew it, and 2) the Church has taken her place….

Paul’s Mars Hill Declaration of Deuteronomy 32:8

The Apostle Paul was a product of the Ancient Near East.  He understood the neighborhood in which he lived.  He knew there was a supernatural world and worldview that greatly influenced the lives of those to whom he witnessed.  This is fully on display when Paul goes to Athens and engages the Greeks on the…