Posts Tagged: Jesus Christ

Matthew 24:44 – The Unexpected Hour

One of the passages in Matthew 24 that has caused a differing of opinions revolves around what is headed in the ESV “No One Knows That Day and Hour.”  This section is where Jesus speaks about His return, but which return is it?  There are those in the Bible prophecy community who believe that Jesus…

The Minion Protocols – New Novel Release 3/1/21

The Minion Protocols by Terry James & Gary W. Ritter I’m please to announce my collaborative effort with Terry James of Rapture Ready for this upcoming release.  Publication date is March 1, 2021.  Please see Terry’s write-up below. Terry’s New Novel Set for Release! Terry James’ novel on spiritual warfare, The Rapture Dialogues, was released in 2006. He and…

Exodus 38:24 – Plunder & Miracles

Have you ever considered how much plunder the Israelites actually took from the Egyptians in their Exodus, and the implications of that? God told Moses that the people would plunder their former captors, and they did so as we learn in Exodus 12:35-36: The people of Israel had also done as Moses told them, for…

Exodus 35:30-31 – God-Given Skills

God gives to His people all that they need to serve Him well.  In the account of the building of the tabernacle and its many accouterments, Yahweh singles out two men whom He has appointed to lead this effort.  Earlier in Exodus 31:1-11 God first calls Bezelel and Oholiah.  When He provides more details as…

Matthew 21:33-46 – Parable of the Tenants

This parable is the story of Israel.  God chose Israel to be His special inheritance (Deuteronomy 32:9).  When mankind rebelled at the Tower of Babel and Yahweh scattered them into nations, He effectively divorced the majority of men for the time being in order to raise a nation loyal to Him.  From that time, Israel…

Exodus 25-26 – God’s Mercy Seat

In reading detailed descriptions in the Bible, lists of laws, or genealogies, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the text.  Often, people attempting to read their entire Bible get bogged down in these portions of Scripture and lose their resolve to remain faithful to God’s Word.  What I typically recommend for these passages initially is…