Posts Tagged: jd farag

Biblical Audio Commentary – Worst Nation Status

A friend of ours from Switzerland and I had a spirited email exchange the other day. We were “contesting” to determine which nation has done the worst damage to the world and particularly to Israel, America or Switzerland. How’s that for looking at the world through a Biblical and prophetic lens?

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 4-17-24 – Satanic Influence & Christian Cessationist Ignorance

There is a large swath of the church that believes in Cessationism. As tells us:

Cessationism is the view that the “miracle gifts” of tongues and healing have ceased—that the end of the apostolic age brought about a cessation of the miracles associated with that age. Most cessationists believe that, while God can and still does perform miracles today, the Holy Spirit no longer uses individuals to perform miraculous signs.

The questions I have regarding this belief are: Does this view hold water? Why would so many in the church think this is true? What are the implications in the world if Cessationism has indeed caused miracle gifts to no longer operate?

Biblical Audio Commentary – A Fool Mocks God

It’s quite helpful when someone else essentially writes my Commentary for me. That happened in my prior offering that I titled A Hard Heart. Today, we have an addendum to that based on another email this particular author sent to his subscriber list.

Awaken Biblical Prophecy Commentary – A Hard Heart

Doing what I do in this blog is a public endeavor that puts my beliefs and thoughts out for all to see. As you can imagine, that results in both positive and negative feedback. One has to develop somewhat of a thick skin to take the various darts and arrows.

One other thing I do on rare occasions is to comment on other people’s postings. It’s not a regular practice with me since I have enough to do without fueling more interactions. In recent weeks, however, I decided I had to comment and push back on something that was extremely derogatory toward God. He doesn’t need me or anybody else to protect Him, but there are times I believe we need to act as Biblical apologists.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Which Is It, Lord?

A couple months ago, two prominent pastors effectively presented two different scenarios regarding how the pre-Tribulation Rapture of the church might proceed. I follow both of them closely and respect them immensely. Yet the message that came forth from these astute men of God couldn’t differ more as to when the Rapture might happen.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Rapture & Feast of Trumpets?

One of the bedrock beliefs I’ve had concerning the Rapture is that it is analogous to the Galilean wedding. After the Son’s betrothal to His Bride, He goes back to His Father’s house, prepares the bridal chamber, and then comes to get His Bride when the Father determines it is time to do so (John 14:1-3). As a result, the Rapture is an imminent event, not tied to anything earthly that someone could point to in order to predict Christ’s return.