Posts Categorized: Prophecy Update

Isaiah 13:20 – Babylon Never Again Inhabited

What is the eschatological secret of Babylon?  Many have tried to understand this over the years.  I confess that I am one of them.  There are two primary narratives as to what is end-times Babylon.  What is most popular?  Which account makes the most sense – at least to me? Babylon has a long and…

If the Tribulation Is Near, the Rapture Must Be Nearer

This is a fascinating study.  The artwork with the extensive illustrations is genius and well worth the price of admission (n/c). Is the author correct in his calculations?  Will the ancient pattern of numbers hold true to today? This video was created in November 2020.  Based on what the author projects, and depending on the…

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-22-21 – Demographic Doomsday

There are two intriguing narratives that may be intersecting to create massive problems in our nation and around the world.  Neither of them is good news, of course, and the one is extremely disturbing, if true. One of the issues facing mankind is global depopulation.  Yes, you’ve heard for years about the so-called population bomb,…

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-15-21: A Frank Discussion on Medical Issues

People have come to realize that the COVID pandemic was a planned event.  They’ve seen the extent to which authoritarian government operatives are exercising their totalitarian instincts.  They’ve come to understand that the vaccines, rather than delivering freedom, actually offer debilitation and death.  As a result, they‘ve sought other means of treatment than what the…

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-8-21: Biblical Curses Upon America

America has entered a time of Biblical judgment.  We are not Israel.  The US is not a theocratic state.  However, our nation was founded on Biblical principles.  God in His wisdom provides patterns of blessings and judgments so that all who read and understand His Word can see the parallels from the past to the…

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-1-21: FDA’s Pfizer Fraud

As sometimes happens, I had another topic planned for this week’s Prophecy Update, but an issue of greater importance has taken precedence.  As many of you know, the FDA has purportedly given its approval to the Pfizer so-called vaccine.  This is a fraud and a sham which will mislead many, so I wanted to speak…