Posts Categorized: Apostasy

1 Corinthians 10:20 – They Offer to Demons

Too many people think they can live a so-called Christian life with one foot in God’s camp and one foot in the camp of demons.  Whether from ignorance or hubris, the church has been largely compromised over the years.  This has resulted in a Christian faith that accepts non-Biblical practices as though they come from…

1 Corinthians 7:29 – The Appointed Time Has Grown Very Short

Because of the pagan lifestyle from which the church in Corinth emerged, Paul had much to teach them about living in holiness and righteousness.  They had immorality among them that they apparently didn’t recognize as such.  There were issues among some of the women in church exhibiting improper conduct by speaking out of turn.  What…

1 Corinthians 6:9 – Do Not Be Deceived

Deception is the order of the day.  Everywhere we look, people are being deceived.  It results in fraud, i.e. people being cheated.  Yet they glory in it, making their own lives a shambles and the lives of others miserable.  What is it that brings forth such a condition? First and foremost is the rejection of…

1 Corinthians 5:13 – One Who Bears the Name of Brother

How shocked Paul was when he heard what was happening in his beloved church at Corinth!  He knew they were born again, but what in the world were they thinking?  How could they possibly countenance certain activities going on in their midst?  Paul minced no words.  They must deal with the sin in their congregation…

1 Corinthians 3:15 – He Will Suffer Loss

There is an obliviousness in the church which is distressing to see.  Aside from the few in many congregations who diligently seek the Lord, the vast majority of those in the pews generally live what I call a ChINO life, i.e. Christian In Name Only.  Each person must take responsibility for his own faith, but…

Psalm 107:6 – They Cried To the Lord

Because the Lord loves all people and desires that none should perish, He illustrates this in many ways.  One such method is through His Word.  We see how caring He is and to what lengths He’ll go to bring someone to Him.  This may mean a person experiences extreme difficulty and physical or emotional pain…