Posts Categorized: Antichrist Spirit

Psalm 109:4 – I Give Myself To Prayer

Most of us have had people in our lives who have irritated us or been prickly thorns; some may have had true, vicious enemies, but probably not many.  Living in America, we’ve had great ease and comfort.  Conflicts and wars haven’t touched our nation within its borders for many years – from long before all…

Romans 15:4 – Written For Our Instruction

God gives us His Word – the entire Word – for a reason.  There may be parts of Scripture where we wonder what it’s doing in there or how it applies to us, but for someone, somehow, it does pertain, so it’s all useful.  Paul’s letter to the Romans variously addressed both the Jewish believers…

Psalm 103:3 – Heals All Your Diseases

The days of COVID, now a year and a half and going strong (as I write this), have exposed many evils.  Probably the greatest of these is the number of people who have little regard for our nation as founded and wish to destroy it.  Government officials and their wicked agenda as globalists have been…

The Truth About Ivermectin

Governments and the Medical Establishment around the world – including in America –  have blacked-out the truth about Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in order to push the false narrative that the only solution to the COVID problem is the so-called vaccines.  This is criminal.  From ZeroHedge, here is counter information not readily available. Source:…

Romans 12:21 – Overcome Evil With Good

One of the most difficult commands we as Christians are given in Scripture comes from Romans 12:19.  It says: Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” Who among us in the course of our lives hasn’t wanted…

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 8-11-21: Puppet Master Conspiracy

By now we should be able to put to rest the lie concerning COVID and the so-called vaccine that those who don’t believe the government narrative are conspiracy theorists.  When we look at the big picture, there’s obviously something going on.  When literally every government leader around the world; the major medical authorities worldwide such…