Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-8-21: Biblical Curses Upon America

America has entered a time of Biblical judgment.  We are not Israel.  The US is not a theocratic state.  However, our nation was founded on Biblical principles.  God in His wisdom provides patterns of blessings and judgments so that all who read and understand His Word can see the parallels from the past to the…

1 Corinthians 16:9 – And There Are Many Adversaries

The preaching of the Gospel always brings opposition, even strife.  What is Good News to some is anathema to many.  For all those who are broken and in great need of the Word of God, there are also those who want nothing to do with the ways of the Lord.  Paul in 1 Corinthians 16:9…

1 Corinthians 15:53 – Imperishable Immortality

The future that God has for His children is one that we can discuss and speculate about, but until it actually happens, we cannot truly comprehend how marvelous it will be.  Paul describes the process of our joining with Christ and becoming like Him by likening the metamorphosis we’ll undergo to that of a seed…

1 Corinthians 15:24 – Then Comes the End

Can you imagine life without death?  Such a day is coming.  Because Christ lived, died, and rose again, the end of death is a reality otherwise impossible.  It’s been rightly said that the entirety of the Christian faith rests on the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  He is an historical figure.  He was a man wise…

How To Get Ivermectin & HCQ (New Post as of 9-5-21)

How To Get Ivermectin & HCQ (New Post as of 9-5-21)   Our government, the medical establishment, and their lackeys in the media have recently done a full court press to demonize Ivermectin, just as they previously did with Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).  You don’t need them telling you what is safe and effective when you can…

Proverbs 7:27 – The Way to Sheol

Proverbs 7-8 provides the contrast between one who is faithful and one who is not.  These chapters speak of the adulteress and the woman called Wisdom.  The adulteress is always scheming how to gain illicit love; Wisdom demonstrates the benefits of seeking righteousness.  When the master of the adulteress’ house leaves, she diligently prepares for…