Jesus Glorified – How Does That Work?

In church on a recent Sunday our pastor gave us a good reminder.  He emphasized the dual nature of Jesus: fully God and fully man—what is called the hypostatic union—which is completely incomprehensible to us.  We can understand half of one and half of the other, but 100% of both?  Does that make sense in…

Whom Will God Rapture? – The Philadelphia Church

Have you ever heard someone say, “God is a gentleman; He would never force someone into heaven who doesn’t want to go?”  If that’s true, and many of us believe it is, then why do we insist that God will force Christians (i.e. those who are truly saved versus those who simply consider themselves Christians),…

Martyrdom & NAR

Because of the ten years I’ve been associated as a volunteer with Voice of the Martyrs (VOM), I’ve gotten a perspective of the church and of Jesus Christ that, frankly, few Christians are privileged to witness.  In this time, I’ve read the classic book by Richard Wurmbrand, Tortured For Christ, a couple of times and…

Marijuana & This Present Darkness

For those of you who have read This Present Darkness, you may have seen what author Frank Peretti wrote about so vividly enter your own communities.  The novel depicts the town of Ashton that has been targeted by dark forces that intend total domination.  It portrays spiritual, geographical, territorial entities that control this community combatted…

Rapture Interest – A Contrarian Indicator

There’s no shortage of financial advice “out there” that is either freely accessible or available through a subscription service.  One of the sources that I’ve found useful in this economic realm is Stansberry Research.  They have a number of different newsletters covering the gamut of investments by many different writers, but the hallmark of Stansberry…

The Romans 1 – Genesis 6 Connection

Have you ever read Romans 1 and wondered why Paul wrote verses 18-32 in the past tense?  If you’re like me, you may have thought that he was simply describing our future—now current—condition in that manner simply as a literary convention.  But in thinking about this recently, I no longer think that’s the case.  I…