Awaken Biblical Prophecy Commentary – Israel Shouldn’t Accept the Premise

It seems that wherever we turn, someone makes a declaration and the object of that pronouncement is supposed to blindly accept the premise behind the position.  Maybe – just maybe – another thought should be given regarding this situation and the premise not accepted.




It seems that wherever we turn, someone makes a declaration and the object of that pronouncement is supposed to blindly accept the premise behind the position.  Maybe – just maybe – another thought should be given regarding this situation and the premise not accepted.

The most common instances of this occur in the political arena.  Typically liberal, racist Democrats (sorry for being redundant) declare that so and so is racist because that person is white.  There have been numerous other such canards over the years, but this is the favorite one in play today.

In response to this lie, the person being slandered attempts to justify why he isn’t racist.  Naturally, the defense falls on deaf ears.  The allegation is out there and it’s the one that makes waves, thus any attempt to counter with the truth gets no traction.  Nothing this person can say will right the wrong.  That’s why a different strategy is necessary.  It won’t change anything on the ground, but it will present the truth.

Another biggie in this arena concerns the notion of climate change.  The canard goes something like this: “The climate is changing because of man-made causes, including the emitting of CO2 (carbon dioxide).  It’s never been this bad, and we must eliminate all sources contributing to this catastrophic situation.”  This, of course, means the destruction of all cattle, because they contribute so much methane to the atmosphere; the elimination of anything that depends on so-called fossil fuels, i.e. all internal combustion engine vehicles, along with anything that runs on gas or oil, such as stoves, refrigerators, plus of critical importance, heating and air conditioning units; and there must be a significant reduction in the human population from 8 billion to 500,000 people.  After all, to save mankind, we need to eliminate that many people from the earth.

The necessary response to these falsehoods based on a fabricated premise is to not accept that premise.  In other words, if someone calls you a racist, having made up the allegation out of whole cloth, the necessary comeback is to flat-out say, “I don’t accept your statement.  It’s untrue, and I won’t flatter you with any further comments on it.  If you’d like to discuss legitimate issues, we can certainly do that, but ad hominin attacks like that are themselves racist, and I won’t have anything more to do with them.

In the climate change arena, we simply dismiss the ludicrous allegations and remind the climate zealot that the earth has continually gone through periods of heating and cooling, even when man and internal combustion engines were non-existent.  Even better is a reminder that the sun is the major source of heating and cooling and we’re totally powerless to change that.  If our climate fanatic refuses to accept reality, it’s best to say, “Have a nice day.  God loves you,” and walk away.  As the Bible says in Proverbs 23:9:

Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, For he will despise the wisdom of your words.

These kinds of encounters are common in today’s world.  Unfortunately, there is a far larger issue based on this idea of a false premise that is causing untold violence and terror against Israel.

Since the reign of Barack Obama, the United States has acted overtly to demonstrate that Israel is no longer our favored ally.  By his actions of minimizing sanctions, turning a blind eye to Christian and sexual persecution, ignoring the desire of a people yearning to be free from the shackles of Islam, and by sending billions of dollars on pallets in the middle of the night, Obama made his position clear.  America favors Iran and considers this terrorist state to be a legitimate and equal force in the Middle East.  Iran may not be an ally, but we will support its efforts to be the power broker in that part of the world.

Because Iran supports both state and non-state terrorism, those entities in thrall to it are considered Iran’s “equities”, a term coined by Barack Obama.  Effectively Iran is a colonizing nation and a hegemonic power, and these equities are protectorates, or vassal states. They receive money and arms from Iran and operate under its guidance.  America has accepted this premise.

n a recent public message, the terrorist leader of Hamas, Yahya Sinwar, made a veiled statement concerning the battle of Karbala in 680 AD between the Shiite and Sunni Islamic forces.  The Shia Muslims lost this battle but it became a symbol of resistance from that time forward, specifically against the Sunnis, but also overall.  Sinwar essentially pledged his support for Shia Islam in his reference to Karbala.  This is important because Iran is the primary Shiite promotor between these two sects of Islam that are antagonistic to each other.  Gaza, the Palestinian people, and Hamas have effectively been Sunni in their religious loyalties up till now.  This declaration by Sinwar now places Hamas squarely as a vassal and protectorate of Iran.

The same has been true for Hezbollah for all intents and purposes.  Nominally Sunni, they receive significant military weapons and funds from Iran.  Thus, it can also be said to pledge allegiance to that nation and its religious dogma.

What’s the point?  America has operated in this same manner for decades.  We never were an outright colonizing power like Great Britain in its heyday, but consider what we’ve done.  There is no war we haven’t wanted to fight.  It hasn’t mattered whether or not American interests were at stake, the military-industrial complex with its globalist, Deep State puppet-masters decided we needed war to move the agenda of global government forward and that’s what we got.  Think about how many US military bases there are around the world so that we can project power.  Look at the untold billions of dollars that we give in humanitarian and military aid to nations that hate us.  That’s rather astounding and deeply telling as to our priorities.

In the case of Israel, America has taken the position that we should exercise control over her politics and even her existential survival.  We’ve done everything possible to oust the conservative Benjamin Netanyahu for a leftist, more pliable prime minister.  The latest outrage is the manipulation of Benny Gantz to demand US outcomes from the Hamas War or resign from his War Cabinet position in the hopes of requiring new elections this fall.

merica has done everything possible to undermine Israel’s war effort.  Why?  Because we don’t want Israel to annihilate Hamas.  Why?  Because that would upset the balance of power that the US thinks is in play in the Middle East.  It would make Iran look bad, especially all we’ve done to bolster its regional stock by empowering it at every turn.

Thus, America sees Israel as its protectorate, and as such it is required to obey.  After all, if Israel gets out of line, look at the consequences.  We hold back armaments necessary to conduct this war to it conclusion.  Israel is allowed only to act defensively, and never go on offense.  We tie one hand behind Israel’s back while also stabbing her there.

More recently, the USA has been sanctioning legitimate organizations within Israel that are subject to her own laws.  But never mind, we know better and must exert our power priorities.  We are also now conducting anal examinations of Israelis seeking green card visas to the US.  Listen to this from Caroline Glick in an article titled Biden’s Whole-of-Government Hostility to Israel:

This brings us to U.S. immigration policy regarding Israeli nationals.

Last Thursday, Yediot Achronot’s veteran reporter Itamar Eichner published a bombshell report titled “U.S. asks Israelis applying for green card whether they committed war crimes.”

 Eichner reported a number of instances where IDF veterans and reservists applying for U.S. entry permits ranging from tourist visas to green cards have faced detailed interrogations—under oath—regarding their service in the IDF.

 For instance, Yuval, an Israeli high-tech manager working in Silicon Valley, assumed everything was in order with his green card application and was stunned to receive a letter from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) requiring him to submit a sworn affidavit describing his military service in granular detail.

 Among other things, the letter inquired, “Did you participate as a combatant in battles during your military service? If so, please describe your activity/role in these battles; Did you command soldiers in the army? If yes, please describe the aspects of your command; Have you ever guarded (or commanded others to guard) detainees? Did you use explosives during your military service? If so, detail the types of weapons or explosives you were trained on.

 “Have you ever actually used weapons or explosives? If so, what weapons or explosives did you use? How did you use weapons or explosives? On how many occasions did you use weapons or explosives? How often did you use weapons or explosives? Did you use a weapon and/or an explosive against another person? If so, the circumstances must be detailed, and explain why you used a weapon and/or an explosive against another person/people.”

 Revital, a reserve combat soldier Eichner spoke to, related that she had traveled to Europe after completing reserve duty in Gaza and was hoping to continue on to the U.S.

A consular officer in a U.S. consulate in Western Europe questioned her for half an hour about the nature of her service in Gaza, and then informed her that she was barred from entering the U.S.

 Until recently, Israelis were subjected to questioning about their IDF service that was little different from questioning citizens of other allied nations, like France or Britain, received. Interviewed by Eichner, Israeli immigration attorney Liam Schwartz said there is no question that the policy has changed.

Look at the premise.  For years, Israel has accepted the notion that America is her ally and will supply needed weapons.  However, we’ve held Israel back from complete victory and demanded a halt to hostilities when Israel appeared too aggressive.  Now we’re treating Israelis like we should be treating the unvetted, illegal aliens crossing our borders as if we had none.  They freely come in with questions unasked.  Law-abiding Jews from Israel are seen as hostile actors.

It is America that has fostered this situation whereby Israel has jihadist enemies at her doorstep and is not allowed to destroy them.  Because enough people within Israel’s ruling class and military were useful idiots, she has gone along too willingly with this status quo.

But now, this arrangement is about to blow up.  October 7 changed everything.  The Israeli people realize that Hamas, the terrorist factions in Judea-Samaria – of which there are many, and Hezbollah pose a singular, existential threat that must be dealt with decisively.  The Israeli people are reaching the understanding that America’s objectives for Israel favor her enemies.  The very existence of this lone Jewish state in the midst of a sea of hostile Muslim countries is at stake.

This premise that Israel must obey America – in a way that no other sovereign nation is required to do – is about to be challenged.  Israel will soon change the dynamics by rejecting her puppet status.

Caroline Glick advocated a prophetic solution to the problem in a video discussion, very likely unknowingly.  She likened Iran to the head of a snake, with Hezbollah and its other terrorist cohort as the tail.  What happens when you cut off the head?  The tail may thrash around for a while, but eventually can no longer live.  To that end, Glick stated that Israel should directly attack Iran’s vital infrastructure, specifically military and nuclear installations.  By eradicating them, Israel would then be able to dispatch with the various entities that depend on Iran for their strength and survival.

If this idea gains traction, which it seemingly will at some point, that brings us to Jeremiah 49:34-39 concerning Elam, i.e. the southwestern portion of what is now Iran:

The word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah the prophet concerning Elam, in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah.

 Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, the mainstay of their might. And I will bring upon Elam the four winds from the four quarters of heaven. And I will scatter them to all those winds, and there shall be no nation to which those driven out of Elam shall not come. I will terrify Elam before their enemies and before those who seek their life. I will bring disaster upon them, my fierce anger, declares the Lord. I will send the sword after them, until I have consumed them, and I will set my throne in Elam and destroy their king and officials, declares the Lord.

 “But in the latter days I will restore the fortunes of Elam, declares the Lord.”

As has been stated numerous times, the critical Bushehr nuclear facility is located in this region.  You’ll recall that Israel demonstrated its ability to reach far into Iran when it sent a sortie in retaliation far north of Bushehr in response to the 300-some missiles Iran bombarded Israel with in recent weeks.  That sent a message.

This Jeremiah prophecy more than likely tells us that something will cause a major disaster in Elam in these latter days.  Will Israel decide Bushehr is the necessary target and the means by which she will begin to extricate herself from under the hegemonic thumb of the US?

Interestingly, in this same chapter, Jeremiah speaks of the coming destruction of Damascus, echoing Isaiah 17.  Odds are favorable that this prophecy for the world’s oldest city will soon be a realty as well.

God will not allow Israel to perish.  That’s a given.  But Israel also must begin to take the offensive against her enemies.  It is only through direct, aggressive action can these bullies and thugs be eliminated.  Israel must do this without the approval of our rancid government.  Sadly, although the American people are largely behind Israel, the Biden Regime is not.  Since it is in power, the bottom line is that America is not Israel’s friend and ally.

She must take the next steps and act against our wishes.  Our nation is corrupt and ready for a downfall.  Israel cannot – and surely will not when the time comes – place her existence in America’s hands.  That is national suicide.

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