Posts By: Gary Ritter

Biblical Audio Commentary – Israel A Light to The World, Or Not

Where does Israel stand in regard to God? Is she a has-been as much of the church believes, or is Israel destined to be a key player in the world in the years ahead? When the church embraces Replacement Theology and declares itself is the new Israel, subject to all of God’s Old Testament promises, is that true? Is it even reasonable to think this?

Biblical Audio Commentary – A Fool Mocks God

It’s quite helpful when someone else essentially writes my Commentary for me. That happened in my prior offering that I titled A Hard Heart. Today, we have an addendum to that based on another email this particular author sent to his subscriber list.

Awaken Biblical Prophecy Commentary – Surveillance, AI, & A Child of God

There have been a lot of factors lately that have gotten me thinking about the surveillance state and the role of artificial intelligence as it grows more potent. Intimately coupled with these highly intrusive technologies are the concepts of power and authority. For the Christian, we must consider our response to these issues as the world grows darker, yet knowing the urgency of the hour to accomplish what God would have each of us do in these times.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Reprieve

The story of Nineveh is fascinating, not only in its own right, but because it’s a morality tale for America.  Nineveh was the primary city of the Assyrian empire.  Assyria was noted for its ferocity in battle and for the fact that its victims suffered immensely.  It was not unusual for people in an intended target city of the Assyrians to commit suicide rather than subject themselves to the horrors of what they knew was coming.  Think Hamas on October 7, 2023 with the tortures, rapes, and murders its depraved terrorists committed, rolled into a single nation whose purpose is to pillage, and plunder, and destroy anything in its maniacal desire to take over the world.  Hmmm, sounds like the proposed plan for a Palestinian state comprised of radical Islamists.  But I digress.

Awaken Biblical Prophecy Commentary – A Hard Heart

Doing what I do in this blog is a public endeavor that puts my beliefs and thoughts out for all to see. As you can imagine, that results in both positive and negative feedback. One has to develop somewhat of a thick skin to take the various darts and arrows.

One other thing I do on rare occasions is to comment on other people’s postings. It’s not a regular practice with me since I have enough to do without fueling more interactions. In recent weeks, however, I decided I had to comment and push back on something that was extremely derogatory toward God. He doesn’t need me or anybody else to protect Him, but there are times I believe we need to act as Biblical apologists.