Posts By: Gary Ritter

Prophecy Update – Destruction of Damascus

There is a soon-coming event that we can see on the road ahead through our prophetic headlights.  This is the destruction of Damascus, Syria. The Bible speaks clearly about this prophecy that has never been fulfilled.  We see in Isaiah 17 the entire description of this event, but we’ll limit the verses we read to…

Aliens & UFOs: A Christian Perspective

I’ve previously said in this blog that few pastors preach on Bible prophecy and end-times events.  I’ve got another one for you.  Have you ever heard any pastors preaching on alien abductions?  I didn’t think so. Here we go where pastors fear to tread… Aliens and UFOs are a cultural phenomenon.  They’re popularized in movies. …

Rising Spirit of Antichrist

I had a conversation recently with my pastor who said that he is seeing the hate and the lies rising all around us, and that this is clear evidence of the spirit of antichrist in the world today. I said, “Welcome to the club.”  That’s not to pat myself on the back, but for those…

Choosing Jesus – When?

Let’s start this message with a couple of Scriptures to set the stage.  The first is Philippians 2:10-11, which says: “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” And then…

Why Bible Prophecy

It seems as though Bible prophecy has a bad name these days.  When believers in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture espouse this position, there are numerous “Christians” who ridicule the notion that Jesus will come back for His church in a timely manner.  Why is this such a strange and unpopular notion? If these scoffers were to…

Prophecy Update 1-22-19

Please Note: This blog entry is a recap of the prophecy update I did in my Facebook and Youtube video posts on this date.  You can watch this and many other teachings at if you wish to get ahead of these written blog posts. The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God. …