Posts Tagged: Born again

1 Corinthians 5:13 – One Who Bears the Name of Brother

How shocked Paul was when he heard what was happening in his beloved church at Corinth!  He knew they were born again, but what in the world were they thinking?  How could they possibly countenance certain activities going on in their midst?  Paul minced no words.  They must deal with the sin in their congregation…

Romans 6:23 – The Wages of Sin

Those who love their sin, yet still consider themselves Christians work diligently in justifying that sin.  The Bible is clear as to those iniquities that God abhors and will judge.  In fact He lists the transgressions in Revelation 21:8 that cause Him to judge severely: “But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as…

Acts 20:30 – Men Speaking Twisted Things

In our reading of the psalms, we come to two inescapable conclusions.  The first is that David had many enemies.  The second is that he placed his entire faith and trust in the Lord to deliver him from his foes.  An issue we have to ponder, however, is whether David was exaggerating as to the…

Acts 8:15 – Not Yet Fallen

he issue of how the Holy Spirit works is one that many have contended for years. I get it that people read the Scriptures in different ways and come up with interpretations at odds with each other.  Still, it seems to me that when we use some logic in certain passages, that should give us…