Posts Tagged: tribulation

Biblical Audio Commentary – The Heart of Faith

At the heart of faith and trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior is fear and reverence in Almighty God, or the lack of it. To have true believing loyalty, one must approach God with the understanding stated in Luke 12:5.

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 3-29-23: The Countdown

There is obviously a line in the sand, at which instance – when it’s crossed – Almighty God will determine that He will afford no more mercy upon this lost and dying world.  To many of us, this tipping point cannot come too soon.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Cancelled!

If you’ve followed any of my recent work, you may have come across my mention that I’ve been jousting with YouTube of late. With their backward-looking analysis of my efforts, YouTube determined that I earned strikes for “harassment” and “misinformation” for early 2021 posts (two years ago!) according to their Community Guidelines.  So, I held my breath. 

Biblical Audio Commentary – “We”

As many commentators have noted, how often have we neglected the several following verses after John 3:16, which provide greater context for our understanding of God, Jesus, and the reason for His coming?