Posts Tagged: satan

Mark 1:34 – Demonic Origins

The question arises, “Where did demons come from?”  In reading the Bible, there seems to be no origin for these nasty beings; all of a sudden they appear to do Satan’s bidding and torment mankind.  The reality is that there is a clear and rational explanation, but it all has to do with interpreting Scripture…

Matthew 26:8 – They Were Indignant

On first reading, in suggesting the connection I propose in this commentary, you may say, “What?”  But, hear me out.  What if the original fall of the sons of God (bene Elohim) foreshadowed the indignation of the disciples when the woman anointed Jesus with oil and the subsequent action by Judas? The first rebel was…

The Minion Protocols – New Novel Release 3/1/21

The Minion Protocols by Terry James & Gary W. Ritter I’m please to announce my collaborative effort with Terry James of Rapture Ready for this upcoming release.  Publication date is March 1, 2021.  Please see Terry’s write-up below. Terry’s New Novel Set for Release! Terry James’ novel on spiritual warfare, The Rapture Dialogues, was released in 2006. He and…

Exodus 23:32-33 – The Snare of Other Gods

From the very first when God called His children out of Egypt, the most important commandment He gave was that they should follow no other gods but Him.  This was so important that Yahweh enshrined this ordinance as the first two of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:3-4: “You shall have no other gods before…

Exodus 2:3,10 – What Moses Represents

Certain incidents in the Bible often foreshadow other events yet to come.  This idea comprises the concept of typology.  Typology is a symbolic representation, usually showing something in the Old Testament in one manner to portray what will happen in the New Testament. An familiar example of typology may be the Exodus of the Hebrew…

Genesis 6:1-5 – Sons of God

Genesis 6:1-5 is one of the most fascinating and troubling passages in the entire Bible.  Some people want to make what is conveyed here an entirely human scenario, but that completely misses what’s really going on and the larger Biblical narrative. The text tells us that the sons of God (bene Elohim – Hebrew) took…