Posts Tagged: Holy Spirit

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-1-21: FDA’s Pfizer Fraud

As sometimes happens, I had another topic planned for this week’s Prophecy Update, but an issue of greater importance has taken precedence.  As many of you know, the FDA has purportedly given its approval to the Pfizer so-called vaccine.  This is a fraud and a sham which will mislead many, so I wanted to speak…

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 8-18-21: Last Trumpet or Pre-Trib Rapture?

It’s been a while since I did a straight-up teaching on the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. Because of the varying views on the Rapture as to its timing, whenever I comment on the truth that the Rapture must occur prior to the 7-year Tribulation, I inevitably get messages wherever the video is posted by those who think…

Romans 6:23 – The Wages of Sin

Those who love their sin, yet still consider themselves Christians work diligently in justifying that sin.  The Bible is clear as to those iniquities that God abhors and will judge.  In fact He lists the transgressions in Revelation 21:8 that cause Him to judge severely: “But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as…

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 7-21-21: What In the World?

Strange natural events are occurring all around the world. Many are catastrophic. They range from massive numbers of sinkholes to devastating drought conditions to locust plagues of Biblical proportions, and so many more incidents, they’re impossible to keep up with. What in the world is going on? In this Prophecy Update I wanted to make…

Acts 20:30 – Men Speaking Twisted Things

In our reading of the psalms, we come to two inescapable conclusions.  The first is that David had many enemies.  The second is that he placed his entire faith and trust in the Lord to deliver him from his foes.  An issue we have to ponder, however, is whether David was exaggerating as to the…

Job 28:20 – From Where Does Wisdom Come?

Why does wisdom seem so elusive?  There is so much knowledge in the world, but smart people appear devoid of wisdom.  Man has extensive capabilities to discover the unknown, yet common sense is a rarity.  What are we to make of that? Job provided the answer in one of his monologues to his friends.  Although…