One of the most astounding aspects of these COVID years that has been revealed is the war on children. The absolute purpose has been and is to destroy America from within, starting with the youngest among us.
Posts Tagged: CRISPR
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 4-27-22: The Serpent’s Seed
The more we learn about the demonic efforts behind the COVID fiasco and the gene-altering injections that pose as vaccines, the clearer it becomes how Satan has ramped up his spiritual war against God and mankind. We who follow Bible prophecy saw well before COVID that the signs of the times were converging just as Scripture foretells.
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 4-20-22: Why Do You Worry?
If we’re saved by the blood of Jesus and are assured that our eternal destinies are secure, is there any reason for us as Christians to worry? When we look at the world around us and see its spiraling descent toward the pit of hell, should we – or even more importantly – can we stop its downward progression?
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 3-23-22 Transhumanism? No: Trans-Specie-ism
Probably the most important take-away from this video is that the push by the global elites toward Transhumanism is much deeper than most people realize. It is also perhaps the most important issue of our current day because of its ancient ties to the Biblical narrative.
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-19-21: The Transhumanist Fallacy
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-19-21: The Transhumanist Fallacy Are people becoming less than human in order to theoretically become more than human? We’re going to consider some of the aspects of the very public push to achieve immortality with the intention of kicking God out of the equation for good. In so doing, we’re going…