Posts Tagged: Calvinism

Judges 20:35 – Destruction of Benjamin

The final events in the book of Judges 19-21 are among the most grievous in Scripture.  From a human perspective, it also seems to make little sense how God operated.  If you’re like me, perhaps you come away from the narrative scratching your head and wondering what God had in mind the way everything transpired….

Why Calvin’s Total Depravity is Wrong

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Calvin’s total depravity as follows: Definition of total depravity: a state of corruption due to original sin held in Calvinism to infect every part of man’s nature and to make the natural man unable to know or obey God. In one sense this definition is correct.  Total depravity comes from original…

How Preterism Leads to NAR Thinking

Preterism is an eschatological position that believes all or most Bible prophecy was fulfilled by the end of the first century.  A couple of years ago some friends from our church spent a week at Bethel Church in Redding, CA, bought a book on partial-preterism from the Bethel bookstore, and recommended I read it since…