Posts Tagged: Bible prophecy

Rapture Readings 6 – The Unexpected Hour

One of the passages in Matthew 24 that has caused a differing of opinions revolves around what is headed “No One Knows That Day and Hour.”  This section is where Jesus speaks about His return, but which return is it?

Rapture Readings 5 – Don’t Be Deceived

The end of the age is coming.  Jesus warned His disciples that this world as we know it has a finite life span.  Unfortunately, through the years, Jesus’ Words have been twisted and misunderstood.

The Scheme Behind the Chinese Olympic Crackdown

Reports coming out of China regarding its treatment of Olympic athletes make us shake our heads in dismay.  What in the world is the Communist regime doing to the elite competitors from all over the planet?

Rapture Readings 4 – What Moses Represents

Certain incidents in the Bible often foreshadow other events yet to come.  This idea comprises the concept of typology.  Typology is a symbolic representation, usually showing something in the Old Testament in one manner to portray what will happen in the New Testament.