Posts Categorized: Bible study

Matthew 25:12,30 – Two More Rapture Warnings

How anyone can read the New Testament and come away not seeing the many instances where the pre-Tribulation Rapture is discussed, nor the warnings associated with it, is beyond me.  Today, I want to briefly illustrate two more instances that point to this blessed event, yet the dire outcome for those who don’t believe in…

Matthew 24:44 – The Unexpected Hour

One of the passages in Matthew 24 that has caused a differing of opinions revolves around what is headed in the ESV “No One Knows That Day and Hour.”  This section is where Jesus speaks about His return, but which return is it?  There are those in the Bible prophecy community who believe that Jesus…

Matthew 24:7 – Don’t Be Deceived

The end of the age is coming.  Jesus warned His disciples that this world as we know it has a finite life span.  Unfortunately, through the years, Jesus’ Words have been twisted and misunderstood.  Among other disputes within the church that have arisen from this teaching is the timing of how all this will occur….

Exodus 38:24 – Plunder & Miracles

Have you ever considered how much plunder the Israelites actually took from the Egyptians in their Exodus, and the implications of that? God told Moses that the people would plunder their former captors, and they did so as we learn in Exodus 12:35-36: The people of Israel had also done as Moses told them, for…

Exodus 35:30-31 – God-Given Skills

God gives to His people all that they need to serve Him well.  In the account of the building of the tabernacle and its many accouterments, Yahweh singles out two men whom He has appointed to lead this effort.  Earlier in Exodus 31:1-11 God first calls Bezelel and Oholiah.  When He provides more details as…

Matthew 22:29-30 – The Nature of Angels

So, what is it?  Do angels marry or not?  In the verses we’re discussing today, it would seem that they don’t. The Sadducees have confronted Jesus about the issue of marriage and divorce.  These are the seemingly secular religious rulers, if we can call them that.  They were part of the Jewish Sanhedrin along with…