Posts Categorized: Bible Prophecy

Genesis 47:20-21 – Serfdom

Lord Acton in the 1800s famously said, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”  This has always been true since man first sinned, and always will be true until the Lord eradicates sin upon the earth. In the passage in Genesis 47:13-26 that describes Joseph’s work on behalf of Pharaoh in the midst…

Matthew 13:42-43- Harvest Time

God will prevail upon this earth.  Sometimes it’s difficult to remember this.  We see wickedness all around us, and as times grow dark, we may experience it personally.  All too often Christians in America think we’ll be shielded from what those in other countries face.  But why should we?  Are we not all brothers and…

Genesis 39:3 – The Lord’s Favor

When bad things happen to us, we cry out with the age-old question, “Why me, Lord?”  Perhaps we’ve served God well and faithfully and haven’t deviated from Him.  It could even be said that we walked in His righteousness; we’ve lived and been upright in the Name of Christ.  Then the roof caves in over…

Matthew 10:25 – Rejecting Jesus

Upon Jesus calling His disciples, He soon sends them out to the towns and cities of Israel so as to gather her “lost sheep” (Matthew 10:6).  He instructs the men to proclaim the Good News by telling everyone that “the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 10:7).  Jesus gives them the power and authority…

Genesis 28:8-9 – Rebellion’s Legacy

In today’s reading, along with several prior passages, we see the root of the everlasting animosity between the Jews and Arabs.  Jacob with the help of his mother Rebekah deceived his father Isaac to receive the first-son blessings in place of his brother Esau (Genesis 27:36).  Previously Jacob had negotiated with Esau and stolen his…

Genesis 15:4-5; 16:7,10 – Angel of the Lord

The ancient Israelite understanding of God was different from what it is today.  Religious Jews since the time of Jesus have actually rejected what their ancestors believed and knew about Yahweh.  Since Jesus came, the Jews have clung to the Shema, Deuteronomy 6:4: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one” and…