Nineveh’s Repentance & America’s…What?

In the book of Jonah, we learn that God called the prophet to preach repentance to the city of Nineveh.  Famously, Jonah resisted that call and ran as far as he could in the opposite direction.  God demanded obedience and convinced Jonah through his adventure with the whale to go do what he’d been told….

Prophecy Update: Rapture Snapback Theory

“Houston, we have a problem.”  A potentially serious issue with the Apollo 13 spacecraft back in 1970 caused one of the NASA astronauts to supposedly utter this phrase.  In reality, it was stated in the past tense as “Houston, we’ve had a problem here.”  Regardless, it’s famously misquoted and is quite useful to this present…

Pandemic! Martial Law! Close the Churches!

Just think if Hillary Clinton was president at this moment in time.  Can you imagine the response from the Leftist-Socialist-Marxist crowd given this crisis?  As Rahm Emmanuel famously said, they should never let a crisis go to waste. President Trump over these last several years has been roundly criticized for wanting to close our borders. …

The False Prophets of NAR

In the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), the primary presumption is that God has designated the leaders in this movement as modern-day apostles and prophets.  They lean on Ephesians 4:11-13 for their Scriptural basis: And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds [pastors] and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of…

Why Calvin’s Total Depravity is Wrong

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Calvin’s total depravity as follows: Definition of total depravity: a state of corruption due to original sin held in Calvinism to infect every part of man’s nature and to make the natural man unable to know or obey God. In one sense this definition is correct.  Total depravity comes from original…

Spiritual Authority & Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Ever since reading about Dietrich Bonhoeffer, there’s been one aspect of his life and service to the Lord that’s bothered me.  We know Bonhoeffer best through his book The Cost of Discipleship.  It’s here where Bonhoeffer discusses the price that must be paid to serve God in challenging and difficult times.  And how hard that…