Posts Tagged: rapture

A Chance Encounter With a Sister in Christ

Away from our normal environs, my wife and I were walking on a Florida beach late in the afternoon when I spotted a younger asian lady sitting alone, reading what could only be a Bible.  I resolved on our way back that I would stop and talk with her. When we returned some twenty minutes…

Scoffers & Mockers Then & Now

Back in Ezekiel’s day, he faced much scoffing and mocking when he brought forth the Word of the Lord.  Despite being so faithful to God and being a conduit for many messages to the Israelites, their constant scorn of God’s prophetic Word had to weigh on Ezekiel.  To reassure him, God spoke extensively about those…

How Preterism Leads to NAR Thinking

Preterism is an eschatological position that believes all or most Bible prophecy was fulfilled by the end of the first century.  A couple of years ago some friends from our church spent a week at Bethel Church in Redding, CA, bought a book on partial-preterism from the Bethel bookstore, and recommended I read it since…

America’s Fate: A Mashup of Ideas – Part 4 of 4

The final essay of this 4-part series attempts to bring together the ideas presented in the first three parts.  The elements in the mashup about America’s fate come from the books The Fourth Turning, The Unseen Realm, and This Present Darkness.  They derive from secular, Biblical non-fiction, and Christian fiction concepts.  Is it any wonder…

America’s Fate: A Mashup of Ideas – Part 3 of 4

In Parts 1 and 2 of this series of essays titled America’s Fate: A Mashup of Ideas, we started bringing together some very disparate sources and ideas to try to understand how our country has gotten to the place in history that it currently stands.  We briefly discussed the secular book by Strauss and Howe…

America’s Fate: A Mashup of Ideas – Part 2 of 4

In Part 1 of these essays, we considered the book The Fourth Turning, a secular work that examines the cyclical periods of history, thus providing a framework for projecting the next era that America faces.  From every indication, based on this worldview, we have entered that period known as the Fourth Turning, one characterized by…