Posts Tagged: Great Tribulation

Revelation 21:2 – The New Jerusalem

In my previous readings of the Bible, when I came to Revelation 21 which describes the New Heavens and New Earth, I thought this pertained to the time beyond the Millennial Reign of Christ.  Now, after reading this chapter again, I’m not so sure.

John 10:16 – One Flock One Shepherd

God didn’t have to do any of this. He had no need that He had to fill. There wasn’t any outside influence on Him. God created us simply because He wanted to. No, maybe I’m wrong. Perhaps He did have a need. That need was to lavish the love bursting in His heart upon someone….

Luke 21:34 – Dissipation

As Jesus continued to speak to His disciples on the Mount of Olives about the things to come, He warned of the days during the Great Tribulation, and what they would be like in Israel. The last 3 1/2 years of this most horrible time ever to come upon the earth will be particularly difficult…

Matthew 24:7 – Don’t Be Deceived

The end of the age is coming.  Jesus warned His disciples that this world as we know it has a finite life span.  Unfortunately, through the years, Jesus’ Words have been twisted and misunderstood.  Among other disputes within the church that have arisen from this teaching is the timing of how all this will occur….