Posts Categorized: 7-Year Tribulation

Isaiah 3:9 – They Proclaim Their Sin

The first several chapters of Isaiah read as if God could be speaking to us today.  God called Isaiah to proclaim Israel’s sin so as to awaken the people to their danger of imminent judgment.  He cared deeply for His children Israel, but they were indifferent.  By this time in their history, God’s Chosen People…

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-22-21 – Demographic Doomsday

There are two intriguing narratives that may be intersecting to create massive problems in our nation and around the world.  Neither of them is good news, of course, and the one is extremely disturbing, if true. One of the issues facing mankind is global depopulation.  Yes, you’ve heard for years about the so-called population bomb,…

Ecclesiastes 7:25 – The Wickedness of Folly

When Solomon became king at a young age following the death of his father David, he approached God and prayed mightily to Him.  His heart was right with the Lord.  Because of this, Yahweh answered Him.  God declared that since Solomon desired nothing for himself but wisdom in order to govern the people of Israel…

2 Corinthians 4:18 – Things That Are Unseen

What we see happening around us in the world can be overwhelming. There are times it takes our breath away. We ask, “How could this possibly happen?” “Is anyone in charge?” “What next?” It seems that from one week to the next, things get worse. “Is there no end to this?” “Can’t we get back…

2 Corinthians 1:9 – The Sentence of Death

If you look around and think the world has gone nuts, you’re probably right.  As we near the end of history as we know it, with the soon-coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the veil of deception has overshadowed the vision of most of secular society.  The very thing that Jesus warned about is occurring. …

Psalm 137:8 – What You Have Done to Us

The Jews had a different perspective on the land of Israel than we do today in America.  God had promised them a homeland and a holy city.  For them, life and God were tied together in a way that we really can’t comprehend.  When they disobeyed God and suffered the consequences of destruction and dispersion…