Posts Tagged: Swamp

Biblical Audio Commentary – America Worst Nation Ever?

If you’ve followed any of my work recently, you know that I’ve been reflecting on how Communism has impacted our nation for the absolute worst. It appears that America began to be infiltrated by Communists from the USSR in the 1930s, and much of our foreign and domestic policy was heavily influenced in this manner. The shocking fact is that in many ways, because of so many Communists placed at high-level government positions, we were effectively a vassal state of the Soviet Union.

The Twitter Swamp

Most of you are familiar with the social media platform Twitter.  You may also be aware that many people communicate extremely vile things on it.  It seems that no one stops to think.  Is what I’m saying uplifting in any sense of the word?  It appears that the majority of people don’t care.  They just…