Posts Tagged: Son of God

1 Corinthians 2:8 – Rulers of This Age

Those who oppose God inevitably believe they are smarter than Him.  They devise plans that oppose His will and think that He doesn’t see and know them.  This is part of their foolishness.  If the Lord knows how many hairs each of us has on our heads (Luke 12:7), then might He not also know…

John 13:30 – After Receiving the Morsal

Timing is everything. We know that in our daily lives. There are situations where an event doesn’t seem like it can happen until something else takes place. We don’t always understand those delays. Inevitably we chafe at being hindered, but then it turns out for the good.  Many of us have heard accounts of someone…

Mark 14:71 – I Don’t Know This Man

Do you know Jesus?  Peter, one of His closest disciples declared that he didn’t.  Mark 14:71 reveals about Peter: But he began to invoke a curse on himself and to swear, “I do not know this man of whom you speak.” How could that be?  Peter had walked with Jesus for three years.  From the…