Posts Tagged: sin

Leviticus 27:28-29 – Surely Be Put To Death

Leviticus brings us God’s holy laws for the Israelites.  When they obeyed His laws and walked in the ways that He commanded, He promised His people great blessings.  If they turned from God to follow other gods and chose to live as they wanted, God made it abundantly clear that He would punish them with…

Mark 1:4 – Baptism of Repentance

Do you know what has largely been lost in these ending days of the Church Age?  Do you understand why so many are falling away and churches becoming apostate?  There’s a very simple answer. One message was preached from the beginning of the Gospels that was a necessary requirement for entering the Kingdom of Heaven. …

Leviticus 16:8 – For Azazel

For those of you who read Leviticus closely, you may have wondered about the passage we’ll discuss today.  Leviticus 16:8 (ESV) reports the Lord commanding Moses: And Aaron shall cast lots over the two goats, one lot for the Lord and the other lot for Azazel. “But wait,” you say, “my Bible (i.e. NIV, KJV,…

Exodus 25-26 – God’s Mercy Seat

In reading detailed descriptions in the Bible, lists of laws, or genealogies, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the text.  Often, people attempting to read their entire Bible get bogged down in these portions of Scripture and lose their resolve to remain faithful to God’s Word.  What I typically recommend for these passages initially is…

Exodus 20:18-21 – Near or Far from God

As God was introducing Himself to the Israelites during the Exile through various encounters, in which Moses was the intermediary, an interesting dynamic comes into focus.  The passage in Exodus 20:18-21 gives us an indication of this interplay: “Now when all the people saw the thunder and the flashes of lightning and the sound of…

Genesis 24:6,8 – Old Life Before Christ

There are many principles that God illustrates to us through the lives and actions of the people who populate the Old Testament.  In Genesis 24:6,8 we see one of these principles enacted through Abraham’s servant Eliezer when Abraham sent him to the place of his extended family in Ur to seek a wife for his…