Posts Tagged: rapture

1 Corinthians 11:32 – Condemned Along With the World

The taking of Communion is a serious matter.  Partaking of it in the right manner may impact our very health and longevity; the context that Paul outlines implies that it may also have implications in how Jesus judges the world in the Tribulation. When Paul learned how the Corinthians were coming together for the Lord’s…

Psalm 137:8 – What You Have Done to Us

The Jews had a different perspective on the land of Israel than we do today in America.  God had promised them a homeland and a holy city.  For them, life and God were tied together in a way that we really can’t comprehend.  When they disobeyed God and suffered the consequences of destruction and dispersion…

1 Corinthians 7:29 – The Appointed Time Has Grown Very Short

Because of the pagan lifestyle from which the church in Corinth emerged, Paul had much to teach them about living in holiness and righteousness.  They had immorality among them that they apparently didn’t recognize as such.  There were issues among some of the women in church exhibiting improper conduct by speaking out of turn.  What…

1 Corinthians 1:20 – The Wisdom of the World

It is the wisdom of the world that has brought us to the precipice of the Rapture of the church and the subsequent Tribulation.  Man in his wisdom believes that he can run things better than God.  When the Lord is questioned: “Hath God said?” by the serpent (Genesis 3:1), it is this fallacy that…

Psalm 109:4 – I Give Myself To Prayer

Most of us have had people in our lives who have irritated us or been prickly thorns; some may have had true, vicious enemies, but probably not many.  Living in America, we’ve had great ease and comfort.  Conflicts and wars haven’t touched our nation within its borders for many years – from long before all…

Psalm 89:23 – I Will Crush His Foes

Have you ever wondered to what extent you, as a child of God, should engage in the world?  This is certainly an issue because of how churches over the years have shunned engagement in, for instance, the political arena.  Churches may reach out to their communities and feed the hungry or clothe the poor, but…