Posts Tagged: Pharisee

Biblical Audio Commentary – “We”

As many commentators have noted, how often have we neglected the several following verses after John 3:16, which provide greater context for our understanding of God, Jesus, and the reason for His coming?

Acts 9:18 – Scales Fell From His Eyes

It is almost a cliche to say that the Lord moves in mysterious ways, yet it continues to be an absolute truth. To advance His kingdom, God uses those whom He chooses, and He does so in an often unexpected manner. The classic of this truism is with the Pharisee Saul who became the Apostle…

John 3:5 – Water and Spirit

We’re all familiar with the account of the Pharisee Nicodemus coming to Jesus at night. Jesus called him the teacher of Israel (John 3:10); as such he was an important, highly regarded man.  It’s why he came at night.  His intense curiosity about Jesus got the best of him, but he couldn’t risk anyone seeing…

Genesis 37:18 and Matthew 12:14 – Conspiracy

When the prophet tells us in Jeremiah 17:9 that “the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”, the truth he speaks is from of old, arising from the very first sin and the fall of man.  Yet, many people don’t believe this about the human condition.  They choose to…