For anyone who has watched my Awaken Bible Prophecy Updates or read any of my Commentaries, you know that my intent is to always look at the world through a Biblical and prophetic lens to connect the dots of what is going on around us. The supernatural aspects of what I expose causes issues with some folks.
Posts Tagged: Pastor Dana
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 6-29-22: Making Sense of “Days of Noah” Prophecy
Many of us who watch the world through the lens of Bible prophecy may be scratching our heads wondering how to process what we anticipate may soon happen versus our understanding of what Scripture says. It appears as though something is out-of-whack.
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-25-22: Wolves Awakening
One of the issues that should be of great concern to all of us is the increasing apostasy in the church as we spiral downward toward the Tribulation in these last days. What this really means is that the church is spawning more and more people who will go to hell because of the satanic doctrines preached from the pulpits and subsequently embraced by those in the pews.
Acts 2:21 – Everyone Who Calls
Following the crucifixion of Jesus and His rising from the grave, He met with His disciples, telling them to wait in Jerusalem because they would be imbued with power from on high. Indeed, as they met and prayed, the Holy Spirit came upon them, filling them with the power and authority of God Himself. In…
Pastor Dana: Vision Sept. 14, 2020
This is a little different from what Pastor Dana has shared previously in that this is a vision rather than a dream. The message is one that seems to speak directly to the church – the Bride of Christ. It’s a word that is extremely important for those of us believing that we are part…
Pastor Dana Prophetic Dream – Sept. 7, 2020
Pastor Dana Coverstone’s dreams continue. God has chosen him as the vessel to bring these prophetic visions forward, but I can’t imagine the toll it’s taking on him. This is heavy stuff. I believe that America has reached the point of no return. The antichrist spirits have infiltrated to such an extent that the hard…