If our government would act against the best interests of the people by developing COVID-19 in partnership with China for the express purpose of promoting – even mandating – the deadly mRNA injections that killed or harmed vast numbers of our citizens, why is it such a stretch to believe that our same government would have devised and executed a terrorist plot to destroy the World Trade Centers on September 11, 2001?
Posts Tagged: luciferase
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 1-5-22 – Prep for Antichrist: Mass Formation Psychosis
One of the most important aspects of these Awaken Bible Prophecy Updates is that we connect the dots of what’s going on in the world with the prophetic Word of God.
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 12-1-21 Vaccine Injury – Gulf War Syndrome to Today
One of the things I’ve tried to do over the last several Prophecy Updates is to show the deep-seated desire of certain individuals to destroy the lives of as many people as possible.