Posts Tagged: Jesus Christ

1 Corinthians 15:53 – Imperishable Immortality

The future that God has for His children is one that we can discuss and speculate about, but until it actually happens, we cannot truly comprehend how marvelous it will be.  Paul describes the process of our joining with Christ and becoming like Him by likening the metamorphosis we’ll undergo to that of a seed…

1 Corinthians 15:24 – Then Comes the End

Can you imagine life without death?  Such a day is coming.  Because Christ lived, died, and rose again, the end of death is a reality otherwise impossible.  It’s been rightly said that the entirety of the Christian faith rests on the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  He is an historical figure.  He was a man wise…

Proverbs 1:26 – Laughing at Calamity

The Lord minces no words as to how He blesses those who honor Him and curses those who despise Him.  The opening chapters of Proverbs spell out for us the ways God does this.  They also prompt the question: Why would any not follow the ways of the Lord?  The answer is that those who…

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-1-21: FDA’s Pfizer Fraud

As sometimes happens, I had another topic planned for this week’s Prophecy Update, but an issue of greater importance has taken precedence.  As many of you know, the FDA has purportedly given its approval to the Pfizer so-called vaccine.  This is a fraud and a sham which will mislead many, so I wanted to speak…

1 Corinthians 10:20 – They Offer to Demons

Too many people think they can live a so-called Christian life with one foot in God’s camp and one foot in the camp of demons.  Whether from ignorance or hubris, the church has been largely compromised over the years.  This has resulted in a Christian faith that accepts non-Biblical practices as though they come from…

1 Corinthians 8:9 – A Stumbling Block

Within the Christian community there are those with strong faith and those whose faith is weak.  The Apostle Paul was concerned about the right relationship between these two types of believers.  He knew that those who stood strong could do things that those of weaker convictions simply couldn’t do.  Paul related this contrast to the…