Posts Tagged: Jesus Calling

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 12-14-22: Milky Christians

Events in this world take time to come together. The prayer we as Christians send to the heavens for patience is all-too needed, and then we’re usually sorry we ever asked. Those of us looking for the pre-Tribulation Rapture are sure that God missed the timer going off to alert Him that this sinful world is all-too-ready for judgment.

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 6-15-22: Another Great Awakening?

Because there’s so much discussion among Christians that there will be Another Great Awakening that will push back the powers of darkness so that we can reclaim this land in the cultural and societal realms, I thought it might be helpful to look back at the first three Great Awakenings. 

1 Corinthians 10:20 – They Offer to Demons

Too many people think they can live a so-called Christian life with one foot in God’s camp and one foot in the camp of demons.  Whether from ignorance or hubris, the church has been largely compromised over the years.  This has resulted in a Christian faith that accepts non-Biblical practices as though they come from…