Posts Tagged: Gospel

Awaken Bible Prophecy 4-28-21: Long Hot Summer: Q-Dreams-Chaos

The cancel culture is alive and well. YouTube censored this video and deleted it because “we think it violates our community standards.” Fortunately, I also uploaded it to Rumble.   Awaken Bible Prophecy 4-28-21: Long Hot Summer: Q-Dreams-Chaos A question that continues to percolate around the internet is whether or not the Biden Regime is…

Luke 18:19 – Good Person Test

Many people think that because they’re a “good person,” they’ll go to heaven.  Even large numbers in the Christian community believe that’s the way to eternal life.  Of course, if they read the Bible and believed what Jesus and Paul said, they’d know the truth.  In John 3:3, Jesus told Nicodemus: “Truly, truly, I say…

1 Samuel 17:26 – Defying the Armies

While David was yet a youth and Saul was still king, the Philistines were a powerful force that constantly oppressed Israel. In those days, the two armies gathered on opposing mountains that stood above the Elah Valley.  For forty days the Philistines taunted Israel with their superior might.  During this time of testing their champion,…

The Q Quandary Continues

Don’t worry, I don’t plan to make a career out of writing about Q and the various quandaries that have arisen from those who follow, or conversely, dislike him.  Once again I thought I was finished with this series, but after spending a couple hours mowing the grass weeds—just me, the mower, the green stuff,…

Paul’s Mars Hill Declaration of Deuteronomy 32:8

The Apostle Paul was a product of the Ancient Near East.  He understood the neighborhood in which he lived.  He knew there was a supernatural world and worldview that greatly influenced the lives of those to whom he witnessed.  This is fully on display when Paul goes to Athens and engages the Greeks on the…