Posts Tagged: Exodus

1 Kings 13:34 – Fruit of Bad Counsel

Counsel may come from men and be good or bad and have its consequences; when counsel comes from God and is ignored the outcome is disastrous. When Rehoboam became king in place of his father Solomon, he immediately had a choice to make as to how he would rule.  The people of Israel came to…

1 Kings 6:1 – Exodus Dating

If you’re like me, you’ve probably had no idea there is an ongoing dispute in scholarly circles as to the dating of the Exodus.  In what is known as “The Academy”, Biblical scholars contend with each other regarding this important date.  They go back and forth in their elite, peer-reviewed journals with one scholar citing…

Deuteronomy 4:15 – Watch Yourselves

When Moses repeated the Word of the Lord to the children of Israel prior to his death and their crossing the Jordan River into Canaan with Joshua at the helm, he gave them severe warnings along with a reminder of who their God was. The Israelites were to heed God’s Word for their own safety…

Numbers 33:55 – Trouble in the Land

Because of what the Israelites had learned in Egypt over their 400 years of captivity, Yahweh had a deconditioning project to accomplish with them.  They had been in the midst of a pantheon of pagan gods and gotten used to deities whose image they could see.  The verbal history of their people had probably taken…

Numbers 22:6 – Balaam’s Attempted Divination

From the very beginning when God interacted with Abram (Abraham), He pronounced a decree with everlasting consequences.  The Childre in Genesis 12:3 specifies an amazing law that is in effect to this day: “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of…

Numbers 9:16 – Supernatural

The Bible is a book filled with wonders, all of which point to God.  Why is it that given all we’re shown He can do, that we still try to limit Him?  How is it that we can accept some supernatural aspects of God and His kingdom, yet are loathe to believe others?  What is…