Posts Tagged: Egyptian gods

Numbers 3:12 – Redemption by Levite

When the Lord redeemed the children of Israel from the fiery furnace of slavery in Egypt, because of the blood He shed of the Egyptian firstborn, the Israelites incurred a debt that had to be paid.  Yahweh informed Moses of this in Exodus 13:1-2 The Lord said to Moses, “Consecrate to me all the firstborn….

Exodus 7:5,16 – The God of the Hebrews

The peoples of the earth served gods that were not the Lord God, Yahweh, the great I AM.  Rather, their allegiance was to the sons of God (bene Elohim) who were over the nations.  Following the Tower of Babel incident in Genesis 11, in which man was disobedient to God and did go out into…

Three Timing Views of the Tribulation

The timing of the 7-year Tribulation and the unfolding of the plagues have come under scrutiny in recent years with differing views from that proposed in the past.  It used to be among the pre-Tribulation crowd (of which I am one) that a Traditional understanding prevailed.  Subsequently, a Modified version of that came on the…