Most of the world hates Israel. Because of that, vast numbers of people are under the delusion that Israel is a genocidal state that must be constrained at best and eliminated at worst. In this view, since Israel is comprised of a people who wantonly kill others, they obviously must hide this fact through a multitude of lies. Ask Candace Owens who has decided to make a career of revealing “falsehoods” about Israel and Hamas. She’ll set you straight.
Posts Tagged: Donald Trump
Biblical Audio Commentary – Republican Party Yoked to Belial
I’m sure this post will increase my popularity. In a prior Commentary I cautioned that Christians are in danger of going down the wrong road in their adulation of Donald Trump. Yes, God likely preserved his life from the assassination attempt, but for what purpose?
Awaken Biblical Prophecy Commentary – Trump: An Instrument of God
Although there is apparently no substance to the notion that the Chinese originated the saying/curse: “May you live in interesting times” – it has lived throughout the ages as being attributed to them. Regardless of the provenance of this saying, it could certainly be said that we’re seeing a fulfillment of this curse in our current day. If things got any more interesting – or cursed – perhaps more of secular society and the church would pay attention. As it is, life goes on and the unusual nature of these times goes either unremarked or ignored.
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 10-11-23: The Israel Conspiracy
Conspiracies are everywhere. We have them in America. They are certainly abounding throughout the world. The latest to see fruition is what is happening in Israel. To my consternation, it appears as if the conspiracies surrounding Israel are greater than I had foreseen. Because of how I view world events through the prophetic lens of Scripture, I anticipated that the war currently underway with Hamas had to happen at some point in these treacherous days. What I didn’t expect was that a conspiracy within Israel itself – within its own government – would play an integral role in the events that are unfolding before our very eyes.
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update: YouTube Misinformation – Cancellation Thwarted! – Again!
Once more YouTube has removed one of my older Awaken Bible Prophecy Updates. Believe it or not this is from over 1 1/2 years ago titled Takeover Plan for America that I produced March 17, 2021. This dangerous video to the YouTube community had all of 56 views and was obviously a threat to keeping the community safe.
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 10-20-21: Biden’s Dark Winter Is Upon Us
Ten months ago on December 11, 2020 I did a Prophecy Update on Joe Biden’s Dark Winter. Today I provide an update to that.