Those who read or listen to my preaching on this topic today are probably going to be the choir. As you might imagine, people gravitate to Bible teachers they tend to agree with. For instance, I’ll only listen to somebody spouting Replacement Theology nonsense if I’m researching that person; certainly not as a regular diet. …
Posts Tagged: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 3-29-23: The Countdown
There is obviously a line in the sand, at which instance – when it’s crossed – Almighty God will determine that He will afford no more mercy upon this lost and dying world. To many of us, this tipping point cannot come too soon.
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 3-15-23: Stupidity & Our World
‘’Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Against stupidity we are defenseless.”
Bonus Awaken Bible Prophecy Update John Chau – Going at Any Cost
I want to do something a little different. We can call this a bonus offering for the week to encourage you in your walk with Christ.