A friend of mine, who is a scholar at heart and a new believer, asked me to help him understand the rationale for a pre-Tribulation Rapture. I thought I would take the occasion of his questions to outline my thinking in this regard in this forum.
Posts Tagged: Death and hades
Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 7-27-22: Tribulation Martyrs
The reality is that there are actually three different groups of new Christ-followers who die of persecution in the Tribulation – not a single group, and not current believers in Jesus Christ.
Egypt’s Famine – Template for Today
Can we know the future? Need we fear it? Do we need a crystal ball to show what’s next? For Christians, the answers to these questions should be Yes – No – No.
Revelation 20:7 – Satan’s Last Hurrah
I have Good News for you! A day is coming when Satan and all his minions will be no more.
Revelation 10:4 – The Seven Thunders
One of the enduring mysteries of the Tribulation is the 7 Thunder Judgments that are not revealed.
Revelation 8:13 – Threes & Woes
The Revelation Judgments really ramp up once the seventh Seal has been opened and the Trumpets are given to the seven angels who will blow them.