Posts Tagged: COVID

Get Ivermectin Through

Many people have experienced delays lately trying to obtain COVID meds Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin (IVM) through the America’s Frontline Doctors service  Unfortunately they’ve been so swamped, and the pharmacy they used was so inundated with requests, that getting prescriptions filled and in patients’ hands has been very frustrating for everyone.  I personally experienced…

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-22-21 – Demographic Doomsday

There are two intriguing narratives that may be intersecting to create massive problems in our nation and around the world.  Neither of them is good news, of course, and the one is extremely disturbing, if true. One of the issues facing mankind is global depopulation.  Yes, you’ve heard for years about the so-called population bomb,…

COVID Protocols: HCQ + Ivermectin ++

These graphics are good summaries for prevention and treatment from America’s Frontline Doctors showing the Zelenko Protocol.  (Sorry for the image quality.  If I can find better images, I’ll replace these.)     From an unspecified Tweet that correlates with much of what I’ve seen: Dr. Zelenko’s website:   Disclaimer: I am not a…

2 Corinthians 11:20 – If Someone Makes Slaves of You

In Chapter 11 of 2 Corinthians Paul rebukes the church at Corinth for its willingness to be fooled and manipulated by false apostles preaching a faux gospel.  Despite the many spiritual gifts with which God had blessed the congregation, spiritual discernment apparently wasn’t one of them; or if it was, the people disregarded what the…

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-15-21: A Frank Discussion on Medical Issues

People have come to realize that the COVID pandemic was a planned event.  They’ve seen the extent to which authoritarian government operatives are exercising their totalitarian instincts.  They’ve come to understand that the vaccines, rather than delivering freedom, actually offer debilitation and death.  As a result, they‘ve sought other means of treatment than what the…