Posts Tagged: Babylon

Jeremiah 29:11 – For I Know the Plans

In the days of Jeremiah, God brought the nation of Babylon against Judah, just as He had done with Israel at the hand of the Assyrians.  There were two groups of people at this time.

Isaiah 43:20 – My Chosen People

When did Israel become God’s Chosen People?  How did that come about? Before Israel was a nation, God dealt directly with all peoples of the world.  From the time of Adam and Eve’s banishing from the Garden of Eden, the Lord was known by men and present in his affairs.  From the point at which…

Isaiah 13:20 – Babylon Never Again Inhabited

What is the eschatological secret of Babylon?  Many have tried to understand this over the years.  I confess that I am one of them.  There are two primary narratives as to what is end-times Babylon.  What is most popular?  Which account makes the most sense – at least to me? Babylon has a long and…

1 Corinthians 10:20 – They Offer to Demons

Too many people think they can live a so-called Christian life with one foot in God’s camp and one foot in the camp of demons.  Whether from ignorance or hubris, the church has been largely compromised over the years.  This has resulted in a Christian faith that accepts non-Biblical practices as though they come from…

Psalm 137:8 – What You Have Done to Us

The Jews had a different perspective on the land of Israel than we do today in America.  God had promised them a homeland and a holy city.  For them, life and God were tied together in a way that we really can’t comprehend.  When they disobeyed God and suffered the consequences of destruction and dispersion…