Pastor arrested for holding church service – USA

If you are a Christian and are not connecting the dots, let me make them plain to you.  We are in the end times.  The Bible specifically tells us that things will get worse in the world as we head toward a time of absolute lawlessness called the Tribulation.

A major aspect of this is that persecution is foretold by Scripture to increase dramatically against both Christian and Jew.  We are seeing this on a daily basis.  In Canada, several pastors and their churches have been targeted by the government.  They have been fined many thousands of dollars and the pastor imprisoned.

In the U.S. we’ve certainly seen hostility toward churches holding services over the last year and a half.  This short video shows you that we are not far behind Canada in the persecution of those who hold a Biblical view and that we should not forsake the assembly of the saints.

American Church: Please prepare yourself.  Pastors: Prepare your people.  Persecution is coming quickly.  Are you ready?


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