Posts Categorized: Jesus

A Coronavirus “Plandemic”? A 26-minute video

I’m sharing this post from Heather at   As Heather says, it’s very possible that when you go to watch the video that it’s been removed by the social media guardians of our sensibilities. UPDATE-1 (5/7/20): This video is being censored.  To see it you may need to try different links to…

Herd Mentality Prevents Herd Immunity

Herd mentality.  This could also be called mob mentality.  In the Bible, mobs are referred to as rabble or riff-raff.  They’re always stirring up trouble and inciting violence or discontent.  We see them in various places. Numbers 11:4 The riff-raff that were in their midst had a strong desire; and the Israelites turned back and…

Scoffers & Mockers Then & Now

Back in Ezekiel’s day, he faced much scoffing and mocking when he brought forth the Word of the Lord.  Despite being so faithful to God and being a conduit for many messages to the Israelites, their constant scorn of God’s prophetic Word had to weigh on Ezekiel.  To reassure him, God spoke extensively about those…

Antichrist’s Covenant with Israel & The Catholic Church

Original thinkers appeal to me—those who think out of the box.  Some of this ilk naturally end up far-afield and are completely wrong.  Others go against the grain of doctrine, i.e. what we know because that’s what we’ve always believed.  But, as Dr. Michael Heiser, one of my favorites in this thinking out-of-the-box category says:…

Whose Kingdom Is NAR Ushering In?

In a most amazing passage, Isaiah details his standing in the throne room of God with all its might and majesty.  In Isaiah 6:1-10, he sees God’s glory and knows His holiness: In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of…

Christian Fiction as Preparation for These End-Times

While this essay may seem somewhat self-serving, my intent is a larger point than it being about me, so please hang in there if you will.  I began writing novels before I knew the Lord.  My first book wasn’t all that good, but it was therapeutic and cathartic, as it enabled me to express and…