Posts Categorized: Idols

Colossians 1:20 – Reconciliation

Let’s connect something that Paul says in the amazing first chapter of Colossians with our reading today from Isaiah.  We can do that because the Scriptures are an integrated compilation overseen by the Holy Spirit with no contradictions.  They maintain consistency from the first to the last.  God breathed into them and we can trust…

Isaiah 40:18 – To Whom Will You Liken God?

A full page ad in our complimentary copy of The Epoch Times caught my eye.  The top half displayed the name Shen Yun and a beautiful Chinese dancer in mid-leap.  The text below the fold said: “China Before Communism.”  It went on to mysteriously say: China was once called “Land of the Divine.”  There was…

Ecclesiastes 7:25 – The Wickedness of Folly

When Solomon became king at a young age following the death of his father David, he approached God and prayed mightily to Him.  His heart was right with the Lord.  Because of this, Yahweh answered Him.  God declared that since Solomon desired nothing for himself but wisdom in order to govern the people of Israel…

1 Corinthians 16:9 – And There Are Many Adversaries

The preaching of the Gospel always brings opposition, even strife.  What is Good News to some is anathema to many.  For all those who are broken and in great need of the Word of God, there are also those who want nothing to do with the ways of the Lord.  Paul in 1 Corinthians 16:9…

Proverbs 7:27 – The Way to Sheol

Proverbs 7-8 provides the contrast between one who is faithful and one who is not.  These chapters speak of the adulteress and the woman called Wisdom.  The adulteress is always scheming how to gain illicit love; Wisdom demonstrates the benefits of seeking righteousness.  When the master of the adulteress’ house leaves, she diligently prepares for…

Psalm 147:11 – Those Who Fear Him

Do you want to know one of the reasons the church in America is so weak?  I believe it relates directly to how believers view God in their relationship with Him.  Over the years the Bible has been attacked on all sides.  It has been questioned as to how reliable it is.  Did so and…