Posts Categorized: Apostasy

Biblical Audio Commentary – Observations Regarding a Doomed Planet

We had to take an unexpected trip to Chicago. My brother broke his leg, and we went to check on how he was doing. In a normal situation a broken leg would be painful but not necessarily cause for visiting as we did. However, my brother is brain-damaged. – The purpose of this Commentary wasn’t really to discuss my brother but rather some of the observations we made in our brief travels.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Changing gods

In past times, once a nation acknowledged the divine being that ruled it, that spiritual entity became an ironclad fixture in the existence of its people. The nation might also have lesser gods to which it gave allegiance and oblations, but that primary god was always seen as the one that directed the course of its destinies.

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 6-7-23: A Catechism, of Sorts, on Faith

One of my objectives is to get folks to think.  The questions we should all ask are: What does Scripture say?  What are the implications when we look at all sides of certain passages?  How might this affect what we’ve been led to believe simply because someone else said it and declared it true?

Biblical Audio Commentary – Repetition

In the aftermath of my Awaken Bible Prophecy Update titled The Return of the Gods – In Technicolor, I received a question that made me pause: “So Baal, Ishtar and Molech are actual gods? I thought they were just gods that people made up so that they could have something to worship.”

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-10-23: Blame Scripture for Partial Rapture Reference

Once more I’m compelled to bring up this topic simply because I read the Bible. If you have issues as to what I’m going to expound on here, I certainly understand and encourage you to contend for the faith as you understand it. My challenge to you is to seriously consider the arguments I make here and address them specifically.  Why is my reasoning flawed?