Biblical Audio Commentary – We Have to See to Appreciate

Biblical Audio Commentary – We Have to See to Appreciate




As weariness continues for those of us watching for the pre-Tribulation Rapture, or perhaps sets in for the first time to those late to the party, we wonder how much longer can it be before God takes us home.  Do we have little doubts creep in occasionally making us wonder if we have it wrong – that actually the post Tribbers are correct that – God forbid! – we must endure into and through the coming Tribulation?

I’m certainly not immune to those qualms, but I believe that God has clearly promised to remove His true church prior to this time of great wrath that will come upon the whole world.  As such, any uncertainties I or we experience are foisted upon us by the father of lies.  What could please Satan more than to throw us into confusion and to foster fear or anxiety?

But still. . . we look at the world and conclude that it can’t get any worse.  Hah!  Boy, if we start thinking that way, we’re really forgetting the horrific description of the Tribulation portrayed in Scripture by Jesus Himself.

Those years are beyond our ability to comprehend because they’ll be so bad.  Anyone thinking we’re currently in the Tribulation, or that it somehow occurred in the past, just isn’t reading the description of the Judgments in Revelation with clarity.  If such a person believes we’re in the Tribulation’s midst, then where are the deaths to such an extent that the world’s population – depending on where in those seven years we’re supposed to be – has been decimated by 25%, 50%, or 75%?  We could ask various other questions specific to the Seal, Trumpet, or Bowl Judgments and the wrath of God raining down, but population annihilation is a good measuring tool.  Yes, many aspects of Revelation are symbolic, but the book is also highly literal.  Why would God bother to warn us with this horrific picture of the future otherwise?  We simply shouldn’t – and can’t – allegorize the terrible Judgments upon this unbelieving world that are coming soon.

So what’s going on?  Why is God delaying bringing down the hammer (in our frail, human estimation)?

We know that God’s desire is for none to perish but all to have eternal life.  We also know that our sin condition prevents that from universally happening.  As Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14:

“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.”

Thus, sadly, only a minority of people truly find salvation in Christ – despite our efforts to show them that disaster awaits.  Hopefully, for some of these, they will come to saving faith during the Tribulation because we’ve planted seeds.

For all that we’re seeing now in the world around us, what does that do?  I can only speak for myself, although I have a sneaking suspicion that others of you have similar responses.

I think God wants us to see and experience – to a degree – this world gone insane through deception and ungodliness.  I think He wants us to see the degradation inherent in the human soul and the depths to which that leads.

Consider how we’re on the edge of worldwide war because of foolish decisions and deliberate actions prodding and pushing toward that end.  Anybody with a sane bone in his body knows how escalation occurs in these situations and where it leads.  We no longer ascribe to the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), which basically said, that each side feared a nuclear exchange and thus held back from escalating political tensions.  When China is the nation urging caution in this regard, what does that say?

Consider all the other signs of the times that make us shake our heads.  A brief list includes COVID and its effects, Digital IDs coming, digital money (CBDCs) that provides total control over our finances by the government, the rise of Artificial Intelligence that may very well be demonically possessed, massive debt and out of control inflation, the destruction of the earth and its food supplies, climate change religion that wants nothing to do with God, hatred and lawlessness such as we’ve never before witnessed; and the list goes on.

The extent to which these issues are evident around us are only a fraction of what they’ll be in the Tribulation.  By God allowing us to see these things first hand, and to experience the disappointment when someone rejects our testimony of God for their salvation, doesn’t this make you yearn more for our heavenly deliverance?  It certainly does for me.

It makes me more than ready for Jesus to come for us as His beloved bride.  Frankly, I don’t really need any more of this that’s bombarding me every day.  Those in the world who love it can have it.  This isn’t my home, and it’s getting more alien all the time.

In the meantime, we need to strengthen ourselves in the Lord.  We can’t let Satan and the world discourage us.  We may be weary, but we must still remain in the battle until the final day.  I’m speaking as much to myself as anyone else.  The Lord is our strength, our shield, and our Rock.  May we not forget that!

Those clouds where our Lord will appear are looking mighty appealing right about now.

8 Responses to “Biblical Audio Commentary – We Have to See to Appreciate”

  1. Reply suzanneamyswift

    Amen! To those clouds where He will appear. For a different but similar take listen to Pastor Brad Cummings on BardsFM podcast as he and Scott Kesterston talk about Moses, Israel and the plagues… (it took them 4 hours put Kesterson has broken the 4 hours down into Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4) and the comment by Kesterston at the end that people believe we have gone back to normal with Covid in the past. And yes I look around Tucson where I live and an upscale thrift store charity has opened it’s doors again instead of being online. I am noticing businesses that are removing the social distancing marks from their floors by putting in NEW flooring! I know I experience peace when I am out of the news on the computer and it does appear to be normal… however I like others know there is something big coming, I still feel like I am walking through the Red Sea with the volume turned off.

  2. Reply Danna

    Beautiful and timely, brother Gary. One day closer! What has helped me the most since another year rolled by is the assurance that the 10/40 missional window is continuing to see conversion, even through dreams (Iran), where missionary feet cannot go. If I have nearly nil patience for the overblessed West, I try to take heart by wonders halfway around the world. Yet every day, there is one more reason to KNOW and trust that it will be sooner than even we believe. Maranatha!

  3. Reply GaryW

    At 81 I am looking forward to “those clouds”. But, there are times I look back and think of things I did and would like to do again. I’ve been to all 50 states and want to repeat the things I did like long walks in the mountains. Then reality dawns on me. Even if I went to the mountains I wouldn’t be able to walk very far. I use a cane and frequently wobble and weave as though I’ve had a couple pints of good communion wine. Besides which, I know that Heaven is going to be many times better and more beautiful than anything on Earth. After reality once again pounces on me I get back to looking anxiously for “those clouds”.

    • Reply Gary Ritter

      One of my hopes is that once we’re glorified, we can zip around to some of the restored beauteous spots on the earth to enjoy them.

  4. Reply Pamela P,

    Yes, I think we (who keep looking for our blessed hope to appear) are all getting weary. For me, every time I complain to the Lord about all the filth we have to endure living in, Jesus reminds me of what is written in James 5:7-11. The harvest of souls that will bring to completion the Bride of Christ is not yet all gathered in. Unfortunately many refuse His calling until catastrophe strikes. Even though it is extremely upsetting to read about and contemplate the atrocities that so many are being subjected to around the world, not only through evil and demonically driven men and women, but also through natural disasters, God is working out His perfect will in the hearts of many and using much of this to bring them to repentance. It drives me to my knees in intercession. Jesus will come for us at His appointed time, when His Bride is complete.

  5. Reply Kim D.

    Hi Gary,
    I do not receive emails from your website anymore. The last one I received was in February. I’m relieved to see you are still posting new commentary!

    Kim D.

    • Reply Gary Ritter

      I apologize. That was my doing. I was reviewing my list of contact subscribers, and those who had 2 stars or fewer for opening the email notifications I deleted because of a new pricing plan with Mailchimp. I just tried to re-add you, but Mailchimp needs you to personally re-subscribe. If you’d be so kind as to go to my blog page and re-add your name as a subscriber, I’d appreciate it.

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